"Gemini Dragons are not fools, they use humour to make a serious point and are very principalled You're probably one of the best gifted persons of the Chinese and Western zodiacs. And this is often your drama! Indeed, if you can succeed in practically everything, you also have an interest in everything, whence difficulties of choice. In fact, you can know success only if you can manage to fix yourself and to devote your energy to a well defined art or job.
"You possess much charm and powerful personal magnetism. One cannot count the number of your friends and acquaintances. However, you can have violent and sudden fits of anger. In spite of your beautiful self-assurance, you are not immune to moments of depression and disarray because you don't know how to spare your forces or foresee an escape issue.
"Having many good ideas and vast projects, you don't bear mediocrity. You're extraordinarily gifted for theatre, acting, painting, writing, and financial matters. You always tend to have too big ideas, which can cause you failures because of lack of means.
"Loyal in friendship, you're rather unstable and indecisive in love. You give your preference to conquests that flatter your prestige or that make you accede to a social or mundane position. Status is an important element in your union or marriage."
Mistura de astrologia ocidental e oriental (no caso, os do autor deste blog, Gêmeos e Dragão).
Um comentário:
Ha, meu é Scorpio Draco. Do mal e poderoso. (6)
A propósito, achei no Google esse site: http://www.geocities.com/thecookreport2003/
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